Paper Presentation
- Present your paper with physical presence (15min presentation). The power point presentation must be in English;
- Send us poster presentation of your paper which will be put on the Conference website and you are not required to present it orally (pdf format-dimensions: Height: 100cm, Width: 80cm)
- Recorded video presentation of your paper which will be presented on the Conference website (the video should be in .mp4 format and it should last 10 minutes maximum)
- Present your paper live via our conference system on September 20-22 2024 (a Conference schedule will be available later).
Official languages: English & Macedonian
*Each participant is allowed to submit a single paper as a first author. Besides the first author, each paper may have up to three co-authors.
*All submitted papers should be written in English language
*Each Abstract and Paper should be submitted to the Conference via the official conference e-mail address in MS Word format before the specified deadline.